Gorditeaux (Gor-dee-toe)

The greatest Chihuahua to ever walk this earth passed on to the next realm on Cinco de Mayo 2024. Gordy was sweet, loving, regal, and intelligent. He would bark at you until you sat down so he could get in your lap. He was never aggressive, but would defend his loved ones, even though he only had 10 teeth and weighed 10 lbs. After a long day he would curl up beside me and I would passively pet him for hours, which would make everything better. One of my favorite memories from last year is when we went to the Chihuahua Desert and Gordy couldn’t get enough of it; it was like he knew that’s where he came from. There will never be another dog with as much character and charm as the Golden Loaf. Rest in peace Gordy. You are very missed.

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