Crater Lake is a very interesting place and I am definitely going to go back in the summer so I can get in that water. Basically it was a volcano the same size as Mt. Hood (around 12,000 feet) that blew up 7000 years ago and collapsed in on its self. Over time it filled up with rain water and snow melt. At almost 2000′ it’s the deepest lake in America, and it’s not fed by any rivers or streams. It’s also the cleanest lake in America and has the clearest water. There are some fish that live in there, but they were all introduced by the guy who “discovered” it. It was the 7th established national park. I’m glad we saw it with snow because it was beautiful and snow is a mystery to us swamp kids. We stayed in Medford which was kinda neat, but apparently I didn’t take any pictures ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄